Blood Drive Nov 22 in Gym all day
If you are 17 and weigh 110 pounds please consider donating blood on Friday, Nov 22 in the GYM. The Health Professions students are hosting this event in conjunction with the Delmarva Blood Bank. Should you meet the criteria and be able to donate 2 pints please sign up for any of those slots.
Each pint of blood can save 3 lives. Use the website listed or come to Ms Massaro’s room 708 and she can help you sign up. Donation takes about 1 1/2 hours per person. Donors should be 17 yo and >110 pounds on day of donation. Staff can jump the line. Early morning slots up to 8:30 am are reserved for STAFF.
Prepping to Donate:
A few days beforehand, eat foods rich in iron such as eggs, meat, leafy veggies and peanut butter.
Hydrate well a few days before to help keep blood volume up and your vessels thick.
On the day of the donation, avoid drinking OJ in the morning. Eat a good breakfast and hydrate well. Upon entering the gym, eat salty snacks and drinks provided.
Everyone is encouraged to stay an additional 15 min after donation and partake in the snacks at the hydration station.
- If you picked a time that is during a lunch period- make sure you EAT prior to donating!
Thank you for doing your part to help someone else.