Health Professions Technologies
Health Professions Technologies is for students interested in a career in the rapidly expanding health field and wanting to work in one of the 700 types of healthcare professionals such as a nurse, physician, veterinarian, lab technician, phlebotomist, radiologist, and many more. Each student will become competent in more than 30 bedside skills in the state-of-the- art laboratory. As a senior, students will enter an off-campus clinical experience and will be eligible to earn the Delaware Nursing Assistant Certification allowing them to work in Delaware and Maryland. Seven (7) certifications including the American Health Association Healthcare Provider CPR/AED and First Aid certification can be obtained. This rigorous pathway prepares any student who is serious about working in the healthcare arena during high school in a Work-Based Learning position, entering the workforce directly after graduation or attending college is fully prepared to succeed!
Future Jobs & Career Paths