Bag 10 pieces of candy in a ziplock. Donate 25 bags for 1 vol hour. Donate 50 bags for 2 hours and so on. Candy will be labeled with a "thank you" message and distributed to essential workers throughout Sussex Co. Drop bags from Nov 1-8 to Ms Lins, Dr Feliciani and/or Ms Massaro. Multiplying…
Consider thanking a soldier by donating appropriate items located on the DE Stockings for Soldiers website between Nov.1 and Nov 10. Multiplying Good, NHS/NTHS members will be bringing these items upState in time for stockings to be stuffed and shipped all over the world in time for the holidays. Make a soldiers time away from…
PLARN WORKSHOPYes, once again, Multiplying Good will hose a PLARN Workshop on Tuesday, Nov 7 after school in the cafeteria. Since there are 98 new members for Multiplying Good- we expect a big turnout. Others who are not involved in this organization can join in as we cut plastic bags to create mats for the…
NHS and NTHS Members will wear RED and encourage the entire STHS staff and student body to WEAR RED on Wed, Nov 15 to honor those deployed overseas fighting for the democracy and freedom for others.