Spring Cleaning
What are you doing over SPRING BREAK? Raking out your flower beds? Getting ready to plant your herbs, vegetable gardens and potted perennials and annuals? Think GREEN- especially STHS GOES GREEN when you are beautifying your own little world! Multiplying Good members will explain HOW in order to reuse household items so they stay out of the landfill and are reinvented into a new item to use. You can…
REUSE the following items:
- Pallets: can be used to make a simple and cheap aerating compost bin. Turn four pallets on their edges for the sides and hold them together with some strong garden wire twisted with pliers.
- Bathtubs, sinks and buckets: make excellent ponds attracting frogs and toads which will then prove very effective at reducing the numbers of slugs in your garden.
- Plastic Bottles can be reused by cutting off the bottom of large clear plastic bottles to protect seedlings from harsh winds, slugs and snails. Leave the top off the bottle so that it can breathe without excess moisture and heat building up. Remove the bottle when plants touch the edges. And lastly…
- CDs and DVDs: make bird-scarers when threaded onto individual strings and attaching them to a washing-line across areas of your vegetable garden.
Multiplying Good members thank you for doing your part to make this planet by planting your gardens to replenish rich oxygen supplies and to reuse items to help keep our planet healthy. Enjoy your Spring Break!