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SAT & PSAT Information

  • 2026 Dates TBD

What are the advantages of Preparing and doing your best on the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT)?

  1. Experience of taking a standardized test prepares students for college or any certification test that most occupations require today. Getting Prep makes you more marketable.
  2. Practicing for the test and preparing supports college bound students or students who are in competitive tech programs as they use study skills working with high level material.
  3. Possible increase in academic money given to students who do well on the SAT test.
  4. Possible promotions or advancement if you are enlisting in the military.
  5. Could increase your chances of enrollment into colleges as most still weigh the SAT against high school grades and GPA.
  6. Saves You Money – if you do well you can lower your cost for college as some colleges will add scholarship funds based on the results of the SAT.

Take advantage of the opportunities that our school has created for your future. Good Luck and Go Ravens! 

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