Conduct Regulations

Important reminders for students who ride the bus.

Conduct Regulations

The following rules can only be enforced with the cooperation of every person involved with the transportation of students. Observance of these rules will encourage a safe atmosphere for the students and will allow the bus contractors to follow the time schedules. Adherence to the rules will also allow for the growth of good citizenship among students. The school bus is an extension of school property and the classroom; therefore, all school rules apply, in addition to the following:

  1. Students must obey the bus driver promptly. Drivers have the same authority as classroom teachers.
  2. Every member of the school bus must exhibit a courteous attitude.
  3. Students must be on time because the transportation system runs on a very strict schedule. Students should be at the bus stop at least 10 minutes prior to the bus arrival time. The driver cannot wait for your child to arrive.
  4. Students should never stand or play on the roadway while waiting for the bus to arrive.
  5. All students must stay a safe distance from the school bus while it is moving. The bus driver will give instructions when it is safe to proceed.
  6. Students must enter the bus in an orderly fashion and occupy their seats immediately.
  7. For safety reasons, all students must remain seated, facing front at all times while the bus is in motion.
  8. Students are never allowed to sit in the driver’s seat or to be forward of the white line while the bus is in motion.
  9. Unnecessary conversation with the driver is prohibited while the bus is in motion. Students must not distract the driver from doing their job.
  10. When going to or from the bus stop along the highway, students should always walk on the left side of the road facing traffic where practicable.
  11. Students must be ensure that the road is clear of all traffic or that the traffic has come to a complete stop before crossing.
  12. Students must cross in front of the bus far enough to be seen by the driver at all times and should cross only when told to do so by the bus driver through the external speaker of the public address system.
  13. In crossing the street or highway at any time, students must look both to the left and to the right and then WALK- not run – when the roadway is clear.
  14. Conversations on the bus should be in a normal classroom tone. Cell phones are for emergencies only. Using cameras, phones, or any other device to take pictures and/or video is strictly prohibited.
  15. Students are required to help maintain a clean and sanitary atmosphere on the bus by treating the bus with respect. They must not vandalize the equipment located on the bus. Parents and students will be held liable for any property damage.
  16. Students may not leave the bus without the consent of the driver. Students should only exit the bus when they reach their regular bus stop or the assigned school.
  17. Students may not yell to persons on the streets. They should not open the windows of the bus without permission from the driver. Students are not permitted to extend their arms, heads, or any other body parts or property out the windows because of the dangers involved.
  18. Smoking is not permitted on the bus. Alcohol, tobacco, nicotine products, and all prohibited drugs are strictly prohibited at any all times on the bus, school property, and/or school events.
  19. The use of profanity on the bus will not be tolerated.
  20. Articles Items may not be thrown into, inside, the bus or out of the bus.
  21. Students may not eat or drink while on the bus.
  22. Students must not carry any object on the bus that could be a safety hazard on the trip to or from school.
  23. No form of misconduct will be tolerated. This includes, but is not limited to, behavior such as obscene gestures and/or language, spitting, lighting matches, indecent exposure, etc..
  24. Fighting will not be tolerated on the bus.
  25. Students requesting permission to ride a bus, other than their regular bus, must request it in writing. Notes must be written by the legal parent/guardian of both students – the student wanting to go home with another and the student to whose home the student wants to go. All notes must include a signature of a parent/guardian and a phone number and must be taken to the transportation main office before first period. If the notes are approved, the student may pick up the bus pass during his/her lunch period.
  26. The driver determines use of personal music devices (phone, iPod, mp3 players, etc..) and the appropriate volume. Headphones MUST be used if such devices are authorized by the driver. Any authorized personal music must neither be heard by nor disrupt the driver or other riders.
  27. Adults may not approach nor board the bus. If communication is desired, the adult is to contact the bus contractor via phone or the main high school office via phone, email or in-person.
  28. Once onboard, students may only depart the bus at their regular stop, or when directed to do so by an administrator or proper authority, or in an emergency situation.
  29. In the afternoon, students may not board and then leave the bus prior to departure, unless they are removed by an administrator.
  30. Bus riding privileges may be revoked, in addition to any disciplinary measures at the school level, as situations/behavior warrants.