Suggestions for Parents
- Please take some quality time to discuss safety practices and the bus regulations with your student(s).
- Make sure your student(s) understands why it is important to follow the rules and think safety at all times.
- Keep open lines of communication with your student(s) driver, as she/he is the first and last person with whom your student interacts before and after school.
- Ensure that your student(s) wait a safe distance from the roadway and refrain from horseplay at the bus stop.
- Be sure that your student(s) is at the bus stop on time – at least ten minutes before the bus’s normal arrival time!
- Explain to your student(s) that she/he they must respect the private property of others while waiting for the bus.
- Insist on good behavior by your student(s) and her/his their friends so that the driver can concentrate on driving the school bus.
- Make sure that the student(s) can comfortably handle whatever she/he they carries carry onto the school bus.
- If possible, signal or notify the bus driver on days when your student(s) will not be riding the bus to school.
- Visit the bus stop and observe the atmosphere.