Work Based Learning – WBL
The vision of Sussex Tech’s Work-Based Learning (WBL) Program is to prepare eligible students for their future by providing them with authentic work-to-industry experiences. Through these experiences, students can hone learned industry-recognized skills learned in their CTE Program of Study while developing new and supplementary skills while working alongside experienced industry professionals. The WBL experience helps to mold eligible students into qualified and viable candidates for future employment opportunities within their field of study.
The Sussex Technical School District offers the WBL program as a joint venture between school and industry. The program offers different stages of career placements such as job shadowing, paid and unpaid internships, and WBL. It is a transitional period between school and the world of work, career, and/or college where students profit from additional proficiency and hands-on training in job-related situations. A student may participate in either a paid or unpaid WBL experience if the student is academically eligible and has received prior approval from the student’s CTE instructor, academic counselor, CTE Coordinator, and building principal.
This program is considered an extension of career training and can become part of the student’s high school experience. Work-based learning experience training must be in alignment with the student’s technical course of study. Students who participate in WBL and met all the requirements will earn related technical credit(s) for all work-based learning periods on their senior academic schedule.
Evaluations and Assessments
All WBL students will be required to document their internship experience. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that a monthly evaluation form is filled out and signed by the WBL employer, signed by the student, and returned to the technical teacher. The WBL coordinator will complete an on-site evaluation. The WBL coordinator will also make unannounced evaluations by phone, emails, and additional visits to the work site.
More Information
For more information, contact Mr. Dean Johnson, 302-856-0961, or Sussex Technical High School, 17099 County Seat Highway, Georgetown, DE 19947.