Sussex County Transition Form Please take a moment to fill in this registration form. You will be entered into the door-prize drawings once you are registered. Sussex County Transition FairPlease take a moment to fill in this registration form. You will be entered into the door-prize drawings once you are registered.Student's First NameStudent's Last NameStudent's AgeSchool District- Select -Cape Henlopen School DistrictDelmar School DistrictIndian River School DistrictLaurel School DistrictMilford School DistrictSeaford School DistrictSussex AcademySussex Tech School DistrictWoodbridge School DistrictOptional: Does your child currently have: IEP 504 Plan A need for transition, but no plan is in place at this time.How did you hear about the Transition Fair? Brochure sent home School Announcement Social Media OtherOther - Please specify.If you would like to be contacted about other events in the future, please provide your email address:Email AddressSubmit Registration