Volunteer Hours needed? Then bake

Volunteer Hours needed? Then bake

If anyone involved with Multiplying Good, NHS/NTHS new members or potential members, or Health Professions needs volunteer hours- then consider baking cookies and/or brownies. NO STORE BOUGHT items will be accepted. Items must be packaged correctly before turning them in on Friday, Oct 18 to Massaro in Room 708. 

Baking cookies? then put three (3) to a zip lock bag.

Baking Brownies? then places two (2) to a zip lock bag.

For every 8 bags of cookies and/or 12 bags of brownies- two (2) volunteer hours will be offered to you.

Make sure you are registered in the DE Volunteer orgnization and track you hours for any philantriphic organization you are involved with in or outside of school. Remember- by registering as a youth and tracking your volunteer time- could earn you 1 DE Vol Credit on your HS transcript, the ability to place yourself in for vaious awards such as Governor’s Award, Presidential Service Volunteer Award and more.